It’s About Time

After working on for about a week and a half (part of my beautiful wife’s birthday present), I decided to continue working on this site.  I have enjoyed my cousin’s site, and said to myself, “I want one of them there sites too.”  So here it is, like a tree falling in the forest with nobody around… Usually before I take on a project, I will do some background research into what I am working on.  Sometimes there is little help available online, so I thought I’d add this site to be able to share some of the stuff that may help others.  Perhaps some of the problems I have encountered can be avoided by others.  On July 10th 2014, I was involved in a motorcycle accident which has put me in bed for several months while bones repair themselves (YAY for that!).  So to distract myself from finishing my master’s thesis, I decided to finish this site up enough to put it online (I developed it on my local machine before putting it on the net).     

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